NOTE: the CIDG editorial base closed permanently on Thurs 19 Dec 2024.
Read our 2024 CIDG end of year and programme message.

Meet the CIDG team - Joe Pryce

Joe Pryce

Research Assistant

Joe joined the CIDG in February 2017, working on several novel and updating existing systematic reviews that assess the impacts of a range of vector-control interventions on malaria transmission. These reviews have been used to help develop the first formal World Health Organization (WHO) malaria vector control guidelines. He has also contributed to reviews that assess the safety and effectiveness of treatments for malaria and other parasitic diseases.

Having completed an undergraduate degree in Tropical Disease Biology at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) in 2011, Joe spent several years employment in the NHS before returning to the school in 2015 to complete a Master’s degree in Biology and Control of Parasites and Disease Vectors. He is currently undertaking a PhD at LSTM, looking at novel tools for the surveillance of vector-borne disease in elimination settings. 

1. What drew you to CIDG originally?

It was an opportunity to contribute to the global policy-making process for the prevention of malaria – a disease that is preventable and curable but still kills around half a million people each year – and to work within a group that has a strong reputation for producing high quality research in malaria control.  

2. How would you describe your job at CIDG to a child?

I help people decide the best ways to protect the world from insects that cause nasty diseases.

3. What gets you out of bed on a workday?

A large black coffee and my specialty banana pancakes.

4. What has your experience with CIDG added to your CV?

So much more than I thought possible. In my relatively short time with the CIDG, I have produced a number of publications, presented and defended my research to world-leading vector biologists, undertaken a range of training opportunities in evidence synthesis methodology, and built experience teaching on postgraduate courses. Most importantly I feel I have learned how to critically appraise study methodology and reporting of results, and distinguish between high and low quality studies, which will help to guide my own methods in any future research. I couldn’t imagine a better start to my scientific career.

5. What has been your most exciting achievement with CIDG?

Presenting my work to a WHO panel and knowing my research has been used to help inform global policy for malaria control.

6. If you were stranded on a desert island with only one Cochrane review to read, which would you choose and why?

Sun protection to prevent basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma of the skin… I’m not built for desert climes. It’s also a cracking read. 

7. Describe your working life with Cochrane using film titles.

'Analyse This' or maybe 'The Cake Eaters' !


The CIDG editorial base is located at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in Liverpool, UK. The CIDG is led by Professor Paul Garner (Co-ordinating Editor) and Deirdre Walshe (Managing Editor). Over 600 authors from some 52 countries contribute to the preparation of the Cochrane Reviews. They are supported by an international team of Editors, each with topic or methodological expertise. 

The CIDG’s main areas of work are on determination of the effects of interventions on the prevention or treatment infectious diseases of relevance to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and neglected tropical diseases. The aims of the CIDG are to impact on policy and research in tropical diseases through the production of high quality and relevant systematic reviews, and to lead developments in review quality improvement and effective dissemination of findings.