What's New! CIDG publications September 2024

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DuringSeptember 2024, the CIDG contributed to one new Cochrane review in Issue9, 2024 of theCochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.


Updated Cochrane review

  • Pons-Duran C, Wassenaar MJ, Yovo KE, Marín-Carballo C, Briand V, González R. Intermittent preventive treatment regimens for malaria in HIVpositive pregnant women. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024, Issue 9. Art. No.: CD006689. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006689.pub3

Other news

  • Tilly Fox successfully defended her viva on 2nd September 2024, and was awarded her PhD (by prior publication) for her thesis titled ‘Innovative applications of systematic review methods: flexibility in an evolving field’. Advisors: Dr Ben Morton, Dr Kerry Dwan.
  • This month we bid a fond farewell to Dr Rebecca Kuehn (Clinical Research Associate). We wish her all the best on the next exciting career step as she undertakes a PhD at McMaster University (Canada) under the supervision of Professor Gordon Guyatt.


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The CIDG editorial base is located at theLiverpool School of Tropical Medicinein Liverpool, UK. Over 600 authors from some 52 countries contribute to the preparation of the Cochrane Reviews. They are supported by an international team of Editors, each with topic or methodological expertise. The CIDG’s main areas of work are on determination of the effects of interventions on the prevention or treatment infectious diseases of relevance to theUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals