NOTE: the CIDG editorial base closed permanently on Thurs 19 Dec 2024.
Read our 2024 CIDG end of year and programme message.

Specialist Advisers

Specialist Advisers

Julia Critchley

Julia Critchley is a Professor of Epidemiology in the Population Health Research Institute at St George’s, University of London. She has broad interests in cardiovascular and diabetes epidemiology, as well as in systematic review methods.  She has also been developing a research programme focused on common chronic and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes (DM). She recently commenced a new EC FP7 funded consortium; and has obtained funding from the Qatari National Research Programme to model the impact of rising DM prevalence on attaining the MDGs for TB and the population effects of treatment and preventative interventions. 

Sarah Donegan 

Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool 

Patricia Graves

Patricia Graves is an Adjunct Professor at the College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, Division of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University, Cairns, Australia. She is a specialist in the epidemiology of malaria, filariasis, and other vector-borne diseases, and has extensive experience in applied research and consulting in the Pacific, Africa, and Asia.

Tamara Kredo

Tamara Kredo is a senior specialist scientist at the South African Medical Research Council and the Deputy Director of the South African Cochrane Centre. She is a medical doctor and specialist in Clinical Pharmacology with a particular interest in evidence-informed healthcare, rational medicine use, and clinical practice guideline development and implementation in lower and middle-income settings. Her current work aims to expand capacity development initiatives for evidence-synthesis in the African region.

Martin Meremikwu

Martin is Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health at the College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, with special interest in malaria and tropical infections. He leads the clinical trial and evidence-based health care programme of the Calabar Institute of Tropical Diseases Research and Prevention which hosts the Nigerian Branch of the South African Cochrane Centre. He currently chairs the Scientific Board of the newly established Cross River Health and Demographic Surveillance System (CRHDSS) which is a component of the Nigerian Evidence-based Health Systems Initiative (NEHSI), a joint development program of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Canadian Government.

Piero Olliaro

Scientist, UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program on Research & Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Hannah Ryan

Thambu David Sudarsanam

Thambu David Sudarsanam  is a Physician and Clinical Epidemiology teacher  at the Christian Medical College, Vellore  and a member of the South Asian  Cochrane Center.  His interests include infectious disease epidemiology, outbreak management, stroke and health economics. He currently teaches medicine, clinical epidemiology and cochrane methods at his college and in various parts of India.

Olalekan Uthman

Olalekan is a physician and systematic reviewer. Dr. Olalekan has worked across a wide range of health technology assessments with a focus on meta-analytical research, HIV/AIDS, other infectious diseases, and socioeconomic determinants in health. He is an experienced Cochrane author. His research area aims to conduct high quality systematic reviews, and to investigate aspects of clinical trial and systematic review methodology.

Charles Shey Wiysonge

Olalekan is a physician and systematic reviewer. Professor Wiysonge is the Director of Cochrane South Africa, the South African Cochrane Centre, at the South African Medical Research Council. He is also a Professor in the Department of Global Health at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Professor Wiysonge is a member of the GRADE Working Group; Gavi Independent Review Committee; WHO African Regional Committee on Health Research and Development; GREAT (Guideline‐driven, Research priorities, Evidence synthesis, Application of evidence, and Transfer of knowledge) Network; and other international scientific and policy advisory committees in the fields of immunisation, evidence-based health care, and implementation science. Professor Wiysonge’s research interests include immunisation, health system strengthening, and knowledge translation / implementation science. He was knighted by the Presidency of Cameroon with the National Order of Valour, the highest honour in Cameroon, in the category “Chevalier".